History of Islam

Abu Hurayrah radiallahu 'anhu said: That the companions of the Prophet sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam said to him, "O Messenger of Allah! Do you utter the words that excite comically?" The Prophet said, "I speak nothing but that which is true." (i.e. even when joking, the Prophet would not lie) [At-Tirmidhi, Chapter of Shamail, p. 17]

'Anas ibn Malik radiallahu 'anhu said: A man came to the Prophet sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam and asked him to give him a camel to ride on. The Prophet said, "I will seat thee on the young one of a camel." The man said, "Of what use for me will a young one of a camel be?" The Prophet replied, "These camels are but the young ones of the she camels." [Abu Nauym, Ibn al-'Asakir in al-Munyakhab, vol. V, p. 142]

'A'ishah radiallahu 'anha said: That she accompanied the Prophet on a certain journey. At that time she was a mere girl and was neither fat nor bulky. The Prophet asked the people to move on, and they marched ahead. Then the Prophet said to me, "Come on, let us have a race." 'A'ishah says that she ran and remained much ahead of him. The Prophet kept quiet for some time. Later on when 'A'ishah grew fat and loose bodied, and she forgot the previous incident. Again she accompanied the Prophet on some journey. The Prophet again asked the people to march ahead, and they moved ahead. Then the Prophet again asked her to have a race with him. This time the prophet defeated her and she lagged behind. Now the Prophet laughed and said, "This is in reply to our previous defeat." [Ahmad, Safwat as-Safwah, vol. I, p. 68]

'Anas radiallahu 'anhu said: That someone asked him if the Prophet sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam made jovial remarks. Ibn 'Abbas replied in the affirmative. Then the man asked him to tell him what type of jovial remarks he indulged in. At this Ibn 'Abbas said, "Once the Prophet sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam gave a very loose shirt to one of his wives and asked her to wear it and to praise Allah. He further asked her to walk around pulling its ends or skirts as a bride does." [Ibn Asakir and al Kanz Vol IV p43]

'Anas radiallahu 'anhu said: That the Prophet sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam said to him, "O man! Having two ears." [Al-Bidayah, vol. VI, p. 46]

Nu'man ibn Bashir radiallahu 'anhu said: That Abu Bakr sought permission to enter the Prophet's apartment. In the mean time he heard 'A'ishah speaking in a louder voice that the Prophet sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam. When Abu Bakr entered the apartment, he caught 'A'ishah and said, "Beware! From now on I should never see you speaking thus." He wanted to slap her. The Prophet held Abu Bakr by the waist and thus saved 'A'ishah. Abu Bakr went out angrily. When Abu Bakr had gone, the Prophet said to 'A'ishah, "Well, how did I save you from the man." After a few days absence Abu Bakr again sought permission, and saw that both the Prophet and 'A'ishah were at peace. Then he said, "Let me enter in your peace as I had entered in your dispute." The Prophet said, "We do so, we do so." [Al-Bidayah, vol. VI, p. 46]

Hasan radiallahu 'anhu said: That a certain old woman came to the Prophet and requested him to pray to Allah to make her enter Paradise. The Prophet said, "O mother of so and so! No old woman shall enter into paradise." The narrator says that on hearing this the old woman went back weeping. The Prophet said to the people around him to go and tell the old woman that she would not enter into Paradise as an old woman. [At-Tirmidhi] Then he recited the verse:

"Verily we! We have created those (maidens) by a creation and have made them virgins, loving, of equal age." [Al-Qur'an 56:35-37]

(s) Hayatus-Sahabah (The Lives of the Companions)

Be Mindful O Mankind!

O my soul, it is not for a few days patience, As if her extent were a few dreams. Oh my soul, pass quickly on through this world, And leave it, for indeed life lies ahead of it.
Ash-Shafi'i (d. 204H), may Allah have mercy upon him

Never Forget What They Said

“The method of collective punishment so far has proved effective ... There are no other effective methods.”
Israel's Chief of Staff and Defence Minister, historic quote