In Support of the Final Messenger Seminar

Rational Proofs of the Prophet

This speech was given by Jafar Idris as one of a series of lectures in defense of the Prophet at a seminar organised by the International Committee For Support Of The Final Prophet. Speakers included Shaykh Mohammad Mohar Ali, Shaykh Salman al-Awdah, Shaykh Jafar Idris and Ali Al-Timimi. For all the lectures at this seminar, please click here.

Part 1 of 1 (1h 00m 34s)

Be Mindful O Mankind!

He who seeks knowledge of religion, Paradise seeks him, and he who seeks deeds of vice, Hell seeks him.
'Ali ibn Abi Talib (d. 40H), may Allah be pleased with him

Never Forget What They Said

When asked about the options for the Gaza Strip Eliyahu said every option is open. Pushed by the interviewer on whether Israel should just drop an atomic bomb on the territory, Eliyahu replied, “That’s one of the options.”
Israel's Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu, 5 November 2023