Fiqh and Sunnah

Usul ul-Fiqh

Ali Al-Timimi conveys a 17 part in-depth explanation on the sciences of Islamic Jurisprudence, its sources, legislative means amongst many other key topics for the student of knowledge.

Part 1 of 17 (45m 06s)

Part 2 of 17 (44m 03s)

Part 3 of 17 (43m 31s)

Part 3 of 17 (cont.) (10m 47s)

To listen to all 17 parts of this lecture, you'll need to download them in this ZIP file. The download is free and is ~327Mb in total (32 MP3 files). You'll need the right software to unzip the file once downloaded - free software like 7-Zip is readily available on the internet.

About the Lecturer

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Usul ul-Fiqh

Ali Al-Timimi conveys a 17 part in-depth explanation on the sciences of Islamic Jurisprudence, its sources, legislative means amongst many other key topics for the student of knowledge.

Part 1 of 17 (45m 06s)

Part 2 of 17 (44m 03s)

Part 3 of 17 (43m 31s)

Part 3 of 17 (cont.) (10m 47s)

To listen to all 17 parts of this lecture, you'll need to download them in this ZIP file. The download is free and is ~327Mb in total (32 MP3 files). You'll need the right software to unzip the file once downloaded - free software like 7-Zip is readily available on the internet.

About the Lecturer

More Lectures by Ali Al-Timimi on

Be Mindful O Mankind!

No man can have anything better after faith (iman) than a woman of righteous character, loving and child-bearing. And no man can have anything worse after unbelief (kufr) than a sharp-tongued woman of bad character.
'Umar ibn Al-Khattab (d. 23H), Commander of the Faithful, may Allah be pleased with him

Never Forget What They Said

In 1969, the former Defence Minister Moshe Dayan answered affirmatively to the question - regarding the demolition policy - of whether the Ministry of Defence was "acting in such cases according to the principle of collective responsibility of the whole family for one of its members”