Purification of the Soul

Love for the Prophet

Part 1 of 1 (44m 39s)

About the Lecturer

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More Lectures by Yasir Qadhi on SunnahOnline.com

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Love for the Prophet

Part 1 of 1 (44m 39s)

About the Lecturer

More Lectures by Yasir Qadhi on SunnahOnline.com

Be Mindful O Mankind!

He who seeks knowledge of religion, Paradise seeks him, and he who seeks deeds of vice, Hell seeks him.
'Ali ibn Abi Talib (d. 40H), may Allah be pleased with him

Never Forget What They Said

In 1969, the former Defence Minister Moshe Dayan answered affirmatively to the question - regarding the demolition policy- of whether the Ministry of Defence was "acting in such cases according to the principle of collective responsibility of the whole family for one of its members”