Contemporary Issues

The calumnious inventor of this admonition has come in the fourteenth century, with his desire to start a new creed for the people, with the result that whoever adopts this creed shall be admitted to Paradise, while he who does not shall be deprived of it and settle down in the Fire. He wants to assign this invented admonition a position even greater and higher than the Qur'an; since he claims that he who writes and communicates it from country to another country, or from place to another place shall have a palace built for him in heaven, and whoever does not, shall be deprived of the intercession of the Prophet - peace and blessings of Allah be unto him - on the Day of Judgement. Verily, it is of the vilest lying, and of the most obvious indications that this admonition is invented, and its author is impudent and bold in lying, since he who writes the Glorious Qur'an, and communicates it from country to another country or from place to another place, shall not have this favour, unless he acts on the strength of the Glorious Qur'an.

Then how does the writer of this lie and its communicator from country to another country enjoy this favour, while on the other hand, he who does not write the Qur'an, nor communicates it from country to another country shall not be deprived of the intercession of the Prophet - peace be unto him - as long as he has faith in him, and adheres to his Religion. It would suffice to mention only this piece of calumny in this admonition to prove its untruthfulness, the deceit of its propagator as well as his impudence, stupidity, and ignorance of the guidance brought about by the Apostle - peace and blessings of Allah be unto him. This admonition comprises, aside from what has been already mentioned, several other points, all of which demonstrate its untruthfulness and falsehood. And even if its inventor had sworn, a thousand times or more, that it is true, although he had invoked the greatest torment and exemplary punishment upon himself that he is truthful, he was not so, and neither was the admonition. Rather it is, by Allah (twice), of the most abominable lying and the vilest falsehood. We ask Allah - praise and glory be to Him - and make the angels attending to us as well as him who knew of this writing to be witnesses that this admonition is false and fabricated against the Apostle of Allah - peace be unto him. Such a testimony with which we shall meet our Lord - glory be to Him - and may Allah disgrace him who wrote it, and treat him with what he deserves. The falsehood and untruthfulness of the admonition is demonstrated by many points other than the aforementioned:

First: of these points is the liar's statement (since from Friday to Friday a hundred and sixty thousand people died without faith in Islam), because this is a pretence to know unseen matters. As to the Apostle - peace and blessings of Allah be unto him - the Revelation ceased to be sent down upon him after his death. Considering the fact that the Apostle during his lifetime was not to know the divine secrets, how then is he to know them after his death; because Allah - praise be to Him - says: "Say: 'I do not tell you that with me are the Treasures of Allah, nor do I know what is hidden' , and says: "Say: 'None in the Heavens or on earth, except Allah knows what is hidden' ". In the authentic hadith, it is reported that the Prophet - peace be unto him - said: "On the Day of Judgement, I assume the defence of some men by saying, 'Oh Lord, (but they are) my companions, my companions'. Then I will be told, 'Verily, you do not know what heresy they brought about after your death.' Then I will say as the virtuous man said, 'And I was a witness over them whilst I dwelt amongst them; when You took me up You were the Watcher over them, and You are a witness to all things.' "

Secondly: among the points indicating its falsehood and untruthfulness is the author's contention that: "He who writes it, Allah shall enrich him if he is poor, settle his debts if indebted, or pardon him as well as his parents if sinful; thanks to the blessings of this admonition" etc. Surely, this is of the foulest lying, and of the most manifest proofs, that the inventor of this admonition is a liar and impudent towards Allah and His human beings; since these three matters do not come about even by copying the Glorious Qur'an. Then how do they occur to him who copies this untruthful admonition? Rather, this wicked liar wants to dupe people, and to set their hopes on this admonition, so that they may write it, become attached to this so-called favour, and abandon the reasons that Allah prescribed to mankind, and made them the proper means of richness, discharge of debt, and pardon of sins. May Allah keep us away from the reasons of disappointment, and submissiveness to the Devil, and to evil inclinations.

Thirdly: among the points proving the falsehood of this admonition, is the statement of its author: "whoever from human beings does not write it, his face shall blacken both in this world and in the Hereafter". This, too, is one of the vilest lying, and of the most manifest proofs of the falsehood of this admonition, and the deceit of its author. How can a man sane in mind, deem it permissible that he who does not write this admonition brought about by an anonymous man in the fourteenth century (of hijrah) who trumped it up against Allah's Apostle - peace be unto him - and who claims that he who does not write it, his face shall blacken both in this world and in the Hereafter, and that he who writes it shall be rich after poverty, free from debts after being lost in them, and shall have his sins forgiven. Praise be to Allah, what a big lie! Both evidence and reality confirm the deceit of this liar, his gruesome boldness against Allah, and his shamelessness in front of Allah and people. There were too many people who did not write it, yet their faces did not blacken, and here is a large crowd of people, innumerable save by Allah, who wrote it a lot of times, but their debt was not settled and their poverty did not come to an end. May Allah guard us against the deviation of hearts as well as the prevalence of sins. These are attributes and requitals which the holy Revelation did not bring about for him who does not copy the greatest and most meritorious book, namely, the Glorious Qur'an. How, then, does it occur to him who copies a falsified admonition comprising a variety of untruths as well as several kinds of infidelity. Glory be to Allah, how Clement He has been, towards the man who was daring with Him to lie.

Fourthly: Among the points demonstrating this admonition being of the most untruthful falsehoods and the most vivid lying is the statement, "Whoever gives credence to it, shall be delivered from the torment of the Fire, and whoever denies it, shall be an atheist". This, too, is of the most terrible boldness in deceit, and the most foul untruth. The liar calls upon all people to believe in his lie, claiming that thus they shall be saved from the torment of the Fire, and that whoever denies it shall be an atheist. What a prodigious terrible lie this liar has told against Allah. He by Allah, said nothing but untruth. And it is rather he who believes it that deserves to be an atheist, than he who denies it; since it is a lie, untruth and completely unfounded falsehood. We ask Exalted Allah to be a witness for its untruthfulness as well as its falsifier's deceit; since he is willing to prescribe to the people what is not authorized by Allah, and to introduce into their religion what is alien to it, despite the fact that Allah had perfected and completed the religion for this nation, about fourteen centuries before this calumny was fabricated.

O readers and brethren, be heedful and beware of believing such lies, and take care not to let it circulate amongst you; since truth has its own lustre that does not confuse its seeker. Thus seek the truth through its evidences, and ask the men of learning about what is vague for you. Do not let yourself be deceived by the oaths of liars, since the cursed Iblis (Devil) took the oath before your foreparents - Adam and Eve - that he was a good adviser to them, though he was the most disloyal and untruthful liar as was told by Allah in the Qur'anic Chapter Al-A'raf wherein He - praise be to Him - says: "And he swore to them both, that he was their sincere adviser." So beware of the Devil and his followers, since how many a perjury, perfidious pledge and vain saying he, as well as they, have for temptation and misleading. May Allah render us along with all Muslims immune against the evil of devils, the enticements of seducers, the erring of wrongdoers, and the deceit of the futile foes of Allah, namely, those who want to extinguish the Light of Allah with their mouths, and to make religion obscure for the people, but Allah will perfect His Light and render His religion victorious, even though the devils and their followers of the unbelievers and atheists (enemies of Allah) may detest it.

As to the emergence of various evils mentioned by the slanderer, that indeed is a matter of fact against which the Glorious Qur'an and the Immaculate sunnah, both of them being full of divine guidance and sufficiency, warned strongly. We ask Allah for the betterment of Muslims, and to bless them with the favour of observance of truth, of rightness and of turning to Allah - praise be to Him - in repentance of all sins, as He is most Merciful and Omnipotent. As for what was mentioned, however, about the portents of the Day of Judgement, the traditions of the Prophet have illustrated what shall be of those portents. The Glorious Qur'an, too, has indicated some of them. He who wants to know that, shall find it in its proper place in the works on sunnah, as well as in the works of scholars possessed of sound knowledge and true faith. People are in no need for an explanation from such a liar, who mixes up truth with falsehood. Allah is quite sufficient for us, and what a perfect trustee He is. There is no power and no strength save that of Allah, the all-Exalted and the all-Great.

Praise be to Him, Lord of the worlds, and peace be unto His devout servant and Apostle, truthful and honest as well as unto his family, companions, and those following him with good faith, until the Day of Judgement.

From At-Tahzir min Bid'at, published by Jamiyah Islamiyyah of Madinah al-Munawwarah, 1396H

Be Mindful O Mankind!

A fool is one who is blind to what is wrong (evil), though he has insight into what is good.
Al-Awza'i (d. 157H), may Allah have mercy upon him

Never Forget What They Said

“We are imposing a complete siege on Gaza. There will be no electricity, no food, no water, no fuel. Everything will be closed.”
Israel's Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, 9 October 2023