In Support of the Final Messenger Seminar

Defending the Prophet

This short speech was given by Yusuf al-Qardawi as one of a series of lectures in defense of the Prophet at a seminar organised by the International Committee For Support Of The Final Prophet. Speakers included Shaykh Mohammad Mohar Ali, Shaykh Salman al-Awdah, Shaykh Jafar Idris and Ali Al-Timimi. For all the lectures at this seminar, please click here.

Part 1 of 1 (9m 12s)

Be Mindful O Mankind!

To all who love and revere the Book, And earnestly strive to find in it, Not a reflection of their own fancies, But a clue to Unity, Discipline, And the call to higher matters of the spirit, The Fruit of Life, Thought and Study.
'Abdullah Yusuf Ali (d. 1373H), may Allah have mercy upon him