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Rulings Concerning The Two Eids From The Purified Sunnah
'Ali Hasan 'Ali 'Abdul Hameed al-Halabi hafidhahullaah
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CHAPTER - TWENTY ONE : Reprehensible Acts Done at the 'Eids
Know, my Muslim brother, may Allaah give you and I understanding of the Deen, that the joy that occurs at the 'Eids has made many people forget or become negligent of matters of their Deen and the Islamic regulations. Thus you see people perpetrating sins, doing acts that are reprehensible, while they think that they are doing good deeds.
All of this has lead me to add to this treatise of mine, this beneficial chapter because it is effective in reminding the Muslims what they have forgotten and cautioning them about the things they have become negligent of.148
From the reprehensible acts are:
1. The man beautifying himself by shaving the beard. This is a thing that most Muslims do, even though shaving the beard is haraam in the Religion of Allaah, the Perfect and Free from all imperfections. This (ruling) is shown by authentic ahaadeeth, which contain a command to leave the beard. This "command" to leave the beard is either connected to the reason of not imitating the idol worshippers and thus differing from them, or it is not connected to this reason. The beard is also from the fitra; and it is not permissible to change the fitra. Textual proof regarding the forbiddance of shaving the beard is found in the books of the four madhhabs.149 So know this!!!
2. Shaking the hands of strange women - those that are not mahram for a man. This is one of the widespread problems that we suffer from and none is saved from it except he whom Allaah has favoured. This act is prohibited (haraam) because the Prophet (SAW) said: "To pierce a metal comb into a man's head is better for him than for him to touch a woman, for whom he is not a mahram. "150 This ruling is also textualised in the books of the four madhhabs151 - so take note.
3. Imitating the non-believers and Westerners in their clothing, in listening to music and other reprehensible acts. Indeed the Prophet (SAW) said: "Whosoever imitates a people then he is from them. "152 Also, because of the saying of the Prophet (SAW): "There will be a group of people from my ummah who will seek to make fornication, the wearing of silk, intoxicants and musical instru ments permissible (halal). Indeed a people will stay at the side of a mountain peak and when he - i.e. a needy person comes to diem in the evening asking them for aid, they will sav to him, 'Come back tomor row.' Allaah will destroy them and cause the mountain to fall upon them and change others into apes and swine and thev will remain like that until the Day of Judgement. "153
4. Entering into the presence of women who are non mahram for them. This is taken from the saying of the Prophet (SAW): "Beware of entering into the presence of women. So a man from the Ansar said: 'What about the Hamoo?' He (SAW) replied: "The Hamoo is death."154 The renowned scholar az-Zamakhsharee, said in explaining the word "Hamoo": "The plural of it is: Ahmaa'u: meaning: the husbands relatives, such as the father155, the brother, the uncle and others ... The meaning of the saying of the Prophet (SAW): 'The Hamoo is death,' is that her "hamoo" is of the ultimate level of evil and corruption, and thus was resembled to death. This is because he is the ultimate limit of all mis fortunes and calamities since he is more dangerous than a stranger, in the sense that he feels secure and is presumptous; while a stranger is feared and watched. It is also possible that it could be understood as a supplication against her. i.e. as if death for her is of the same status to the hamoo who enters into her presence and she is pleased with that."156
5. Tabarruj (Open display of beauty) by the women, going to the mar ket and other places. This is prohibited in the Laws of Allaah. Allaah, the Most High, says: "Stay in your homes, and do not display yourselves like that of the times of ignorance and offer prayer perfectly and give the zakat ..."157 And the saying of the Prophet (SAW): "I have not seen two types of people from the people of the Fire: ... and women that are clothed but at the same time naked and are ma'ilaatl1 58 their heads are like tilted camels' humps. 159 These women will not enter paradise and neither will they smell its aroma; even though its aroma can be smelt from a distance of so and so"160
6. Particularising the day of 'Eid for visiting graves; distributing sweets and other edible items at the grave, sitting upon the graves, the intermixing of men and women, the shameless uncovering of faces, wailing for the deceased and other reprehensible deeds.161
7. Immoderation and squandering upon things that have no use and have no good or benefit. Allaah, the Most High, says: "... but be not extravagant. Indeed He likes not the extravagant ones..."162 and "... but be not extravagant. Indeed He likes not the extravagant ones..."163 and Allaah says: "... But spend not wastefully (in your wealth) in the manner of a spendthrift. Verily spendthrifts are the brothers of the devils "164 The Prophet (SAW) said: "The son of Adam will not cease to be in front of his Lord on the Day of Judgement until he is asked about his.... wealth and where he gained it from and how he spent it."165
8. The abandonment, of the prayer in the masjid by many people, without having a Islamically acceptable excuse; and some people not praying at all except the 'Eid prayers, while they abandon praying the other prayers. By Allaah this is a great sin.
9. The general muslims going to the grave yard after the Fajr prayer, leaving the 'Eid prayer, cloaked by the innovation of particularising the day of 'Eid for visiting the grave yard.166 Others have added the placing of palm leaves or other tree branches 167 on the graves. All of this has no basis in the Sunnah.
10. Not having any compassion for the poor and the needy. The sons of the rich people display their joy and happiness, they eat appetising food and they do all of this in front of the poor and their children, without having any feelings of sympathy or feeling the need to help or have responsibility even though Allaah's Messenger (SAW) said: "None of you truly believes until he wishes for his brother that which he wishes for himself "168
11. The innovations that are performed by many of those who pretend to be scholars, while claiming to be seeking nearness to Allaah. Even though these innovations have no basis in the Deen of Allaah. There are many innovations enacted by such people 169 but I shall only men tion one of them, so that we do not go away from the purpose of this treatise. Indeed many of the sermon givers and preachers are eager in seeking approach to Allaah by staying awake in worship on the night of 'Eid. However they do not just do that. No! they also attribute to the Messenger (SAW), that he said: "Whosoever stays awake in worship the night of 'Eid, his heart will not die, the day that hearts die."170 It is not permissible to attribute this to the Messenger of Allaah (SAW) and the best guidance is the guidance of Muhammad (SAW).
CHAPTER - TWENTY TWO : So is this 'Eid?
'Eid is not but for ourselves to return to our Deen until our lost sanctity does return. 'Eid is not but for us to become an ummah In which none other than Muhammad is the leader. 'Eid is not but for us to prepare our souls for war, wherever these (souls) may be sacrificed. 'Eid is not but for our hearts to become like stone towards the enemy. Be harsh against your enemy For by Allaah, the enemy is obstinate. The Muslims are obligated by a duty From which neither lust nor stagnation diverts them. The Muslims, the old, the young, from amongst the creation are the praiseworthy ones.
This is what Allaah has permitted us to gather, and list concerning the two 'Eids and their regulations, and whatever is related to them from fiqh (understanding) that a lay Muslim cannot do without, let alone a student of knowledge. I offer it to all the Muslims as a reminder so that they can correct their acts of worship, perform the acts of getting closer to Allaah, by fearing Allaah and loving for the sake of Allaah. So if I have erred then it is from myself and from Shaitaan and if I am correct then it is solely from Allaah, finally our Du 'a is:
All Praise be to Allaah, the Lord of the Universe.
Written by Abul-Haarith Alee ibn Hasan ibn 'Alee From Zarka in Jordan on the 15th of the month of Safar in the Year 1404 Hijree.
148. The reprehensible acts mentioned occur mostly in 'Eid and other than 'Eid but it becomes very common and in fact increases at the Eid so be aware.
149. Refer to Fath-ul-Baaree (10/351), al-Ikhtiyaarat al- 'Ilmeeyah (P.6), al-Muhalla (2/220) and Gadhaa al-Baab (1/376) and others. Shaikh Muhammad ibn Ismaa'eel, in his book Adilat-ut-Tahreem Halq-ul-Lihyaa has made a thorough examination of the ahaadeeth concerning this issue, after which he mentions the explanation of the scholars, on the issue, and the sayings from the dependable books of the schools of thought. Finally bringing any discussion surrounding the issue, without leaving any thing out! Refer to it, for indeed it is valuable. Also refer to Majallatul-Azhar (7/327). I have, also written a treatise on the issue, calling it Hukm ud-Deen ftl-Lihyaa wat-Taddkheen which has been printed many times.
150. Reported by ar-Ruyaanee in his Musnad (227/2), from Ma'qal bin Yasaar and its isnaad is good. Refer to Silsilatul Ahaadeeth as-Saheehah (no.227) by our teacher al-Albaanee.
151. Refer to Sharh Muslim by Imam an-Nawawee (13/10), Haashiyah ibn 'Aabideen (5/235), 'Aaridat-ul-Ahwaadhee (7/95) and Adwa-ul-Bayaan (6/603).
152. Reported by Ahmad (2/50,92) from Ibn 'Umar and its isnaad is hasan. at-Tahaawee in Mushkil-al-Aathaar (1/88) from Hassaan bin 'Ateeyah. Aboo Nu'aim in Akhbaar-al-Asbahaan (1/129) from Anas, however there is speculation regarding its status. Nevertheless the hadeeth becomes authentic because of all these chains. Insha 'Allaah.
153. Reported by al-Bukhaaree (5590) in mu'allaq form (omitting part of the chain of narrrators) and in full form (of isnaad) by Aboo Daawood (4039). al-Baihaqee (10/221) and others. Haafidh Ibn Hajr said in Haadi as-Saaree (p.59) "It is related with a full chain of narration by Hasan bin Sufyaan in his 'Musnad."' lsmaa'eelee, at-Tabaraanee in Kabeer, Aboo Nu'aim from four chains of narration. lbn Hibban in his Saheeb and others.
154. Reported by al-Bukhaaree and (5232). Muslim (2172), from the hadeeth of 'Uqbah bin Ameer.
155. The father is exempted from this ruling. by Quranic texts Refer to al-Mughnee (6/570).
156. Faa'iq fi Ghareeb-ul-Hadeeth (1/318). Refer to Nihaayah (1/448) and Ghareeb ul-Hadeeth (3/351) and Sharh-us-Sunnah (9/26,27).
157. Soorah al-Ahzaab 33:33.
158. Deviated away from the obedience of Allaah - the Perfect and one free of all imperfections and the most High- and from whatever is required of them from safe guarding their chastity.
159. Qadee 'Iyaad, in Mashaariqul-Anwaar (1/79) said: "It is a fat two humped camel." Its meaning - and Allaah knows best- is that they will make their head grandiose by wearing head veils and rolling up their hair into humps and they will not lower their gaze.
160. Reported by Muslim in his Saheeh (2128,2856,52) and Ahmad (2/223,356) from Aboo Hurairah.
161. For details about the innovations at the grave refer to the book Ahkaam al-Jaa'naiz (258-267) by our Shaikh al-Albaanee, may Allaah preserve him.
162. Soorah al-An'aam 6:141.
163. Soorah al-A'raaf 7:31.
164. Soorah al Israa 17:26-27.
165. Reported by at-Tirmidhee (2416) al-Khateeb in his Taareekh (12/440) from Ibn Mas'ood, but it has a weakness. The hadeeth has supporting narrations, from Aboo Bazzrah (found) with ad-Daarimee (1/131) Aboo Nu'aim in Hilyah (10/232), Ibn Dabithee in Zail Taareekh al Baghdad (2/163) and from the hadeeth of Mu'aadh (found) with Khateeb (11/441). Thus the hadeeth is hasan.
166. al-Madkhal (1/286) by Ibn Haaj, al-Ibdaa' (p.135) by 'Alee Mahfoodh, Sunan ul-'Edain (p.39) by Shaqeeree.
167. All that this implies opposes then it is rejected. Refer to Ahkam-ul-Janaa'iz (p.254), Ma'aiim as-Sunan (1/28) and the note, by Shaykh Ahmad Shaakir to Sunan at-Tirmidhee (1/103).
168. Reported by al-Bukhaaree (13), Muslim (45) and reported by an-Nasaa'ee (8/115), al-Baghawee (3474) but they added "from good" and its isnaad is saheeh.
169. Refer for any of it to, 'Ayaad al-Isloam (58) in the section on innovations of the 'Eids.
170. It is a fabricated hadeeth our Shaikh al-Albaanee has spoken extensively about it in Silsilatul Ahaadeeth ad-Da'eefah (520,52 1), so refer back to it!
171. Munkaraatul-Afraah (P.67) by Mahmood Mahdee Istanboolee.
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