In the Name of Allaah, the Most Merciful, the Bestower of Mercy | |
Al-Istiqaamah | |
Ramadaan 1417H / January 1997CE |
Issue No.5 |
"The principle regarding acts of worship is one of prohibition, except if the Sharee'ah (Divinely Prescribed Law) relates a prescription for it. And the principle regarding customary behaviour is permissibility, except when the Sharee'ah relates a prohibition for it." (Al-aslu fil-'ibaadat al-hadhru illaa ma waradah 'anish-shar'ee tashree'ahu. Wal-aslu fil-'aadaat al-ibaahah illaa ma waradah 'anish-shar'ee tahreemahu).1 | ||
The above
principle is an important principle that Islaam teaches. Thus, with
regards to matters of 'aadaat (day-to-day actions), such as eating,
drinking and wearing clothes, then everything is allowed in this regard,
except if there is a clear and authentic evidence restricting or
prohibiting its allowance. However, when it comes to 'ibaadaat
(acts of worship), then the opposite is the true. Here, nothing can be
established as an act of worship, except if there is a clear and authentic
text to allow it. So the basic principle for 'aadaat is
ibaahah (permissibility), whereas the basic principle for
'ibaadaat is tahreem (prohibition).
Shaykhul-lslaam Ibn Taymiyyah
(d.728H)- rahimahullaah - said:
However, as
far as living habits are concerned, the principle here is freedom, because
nothing can be restricted in this regard except what Allaah has
prohibited. To do otherwise is to be included in the meaning of His
This is a great and beneficial principle, on the basis of which we can say that buying, selling, leasing, giving gifts, and other such matters are necessary activities for people, as are eating, drinking and the wearing of clothes. Thus, if the Sharee'ah (Divinely Prescribed Islaamic Law) says something about these day-to-day matters, it is in order to teach good behaviour. Accordingly, it has prohibited whatever leads to corruption, has made obligatory that which is essential, has disapproved of that which is superfluous, and has approved of that which is beneficial. All this has been done with due consideration of the magnitude and properties of the various types of activities involved. Since this is the position of the Sharee'ah, people are free to buy, sell and to lease just as they wish, just as they are free to eat and drink what they like - as long as it is not haraam (unlawful). Even though some of these things may be disapproved, they are still free in this regard, since the Sharee'ah does not go to the extent of prohibiting them - and thus the original principle (of permissibility) remains."2 1. Minhaajul-Qaasideen Mukhtasar
fee Usoolil-Fiqh (p.27) of Shaykh 'Abdur-Rahmaan as-Sa'dee. | |