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of Muslim Scholars on Khomeini
Beside reviling the imams and forging lies against them, Khomeini, may Allaah deprive him of His mercy, claims that all of them failed to establish the foundation of justice, or to guide and reform humanity, saying:
"All prophets came for the purpose of laying down the foundation of justice in the world, but they failed to do so; even Prophet Muhammad, the last of the Prophets who came to reform mankind and to apply justice failed too. The person who will succeed in all this and in laying down the foundation of justice in the world at all levels, and redressing the wrong is the expected mahdi..."
"So the expected mahdi whom Allaah spared as a treasure for mankind will maintain justice throughout the world, and succeed where the Prophet before him failed (!!) The reason why Allaah subhanah, has spared the life of the mahdi, peace be on him, is that there is no one among men who is capable of assuming this great task which neither the prophets nor the forefathers of the mahdi achieved what they came for..."
He further maintained: "Had the mahdi, peace be on him, passed away, there would have been no one among men to lay down the foundation of justice and maintain it in the world. Thus the expected mahdi, peace be on him, is kept for this affair. Therefore, his birthday, we ransom him with our souls, is the greatest of the Islaamic holidays, and the greatest holiday of mankind (!!), because he will make justice and fairness prevail on earth. That is why we must admit that the birthday of the mahdi is the greatest of all. Upon his appearance, he will deliver mankind from its retrogress, guide all to the right path, and fill the earth with justice after it was filled with oppression. The birthday of the mahdi is a great occasion to 18 the Muslims, and is considered more important than the birthday of Prophet Muhammad. Therefore we prepare ourselves for the arrival of the expected mahdi, may peace be on him." (!!)
Khomeini went on to say: "I can not call him leader, because he is greater than that, nor can I call him the first man, because there is no one to succeed him, therefore I can describe him with words other than 'the promised expected mahdi' whom Allaah subhanah saved for mankind. So we have to prepare ourselves to behold him (!!) If we are successful, we will be able to raise our heads in pride over all our government departments. We hope that the other countries prepare themselves for the appearance of almahdi, peace be on him, and be ready for his visit." [An excerpt from a speech delivered by Khomeini on the 15 of Shaaban, 1400H, the result of which fatwas from the Muslim world were issued condemning Khomeini to blasphemy.]
The foregoing statements by Khomeini reveal plain blasphemy in many aspects:
1. He derides and holds in light estimation the Messengers and the prophets, particularly our Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam . Not only that, but he also brings against Allaah, extolled be His glory, the imputation of the fault of assigning the incompetent and the remiss to convey His Messages.
2. If this ignorant Khomeini means that all mankind did not respond to their Messages, nor were affected by their mission, and persisted in their disbelief and polytheism, then it should not be considered failure or lack of succession on the part of the Messenger, because accommodation to the right path is in the hands of Allaah, extolled be His glory.
The Messenger can only communicate and announce and make manifest the Message. The results are entirely up to Allaah. Had he decreed to accommodate mankind to guidance through the Messenger, they would have been guided, and had He decreed to keep them all in deviation, then no one can do anything about it. He says, "Whoever Allaah wishes to guide, He expands his bosom for the acceptance of Islaam, and whoever He wishes to send astray, He makes his bosom straight and impenetrable as though he is mounting up into the sky." (Qur'aan - 6:125) Thus guidance and deviation are both in the hands of Allaah alone. The Messengers are only warners, announcers of the glad tidings who strove and exerted their efforts in the cause of Allaah. All of them desired vehemently to direct people to the right path, but the will of Allaah always prevails. Allaah says, "So perchance you grieve your self to death for sorrow after them if they believe not in this discourse." (Qur'aan - 18:6) and, "If your Lord had willed, He would have sure made mankind one nation; but people would not cease to differ. Save those on whom your Lord has had His mercy, for which He has created them, the word of your Lord has been fulfilled. I will surely fill Hell with jinn and man altogether." (Qur'aan - 11:118-119).
Accommodation to guidance rests with Allaah. His infinite wisdom and justice rules that only few believe, and many disbelieve, as He says: "Most men will not believe even though you eagerly desire it." (Qur'aan - 12:102) And: "But few of My slaves are grateful." (Qur'aan - 34:13) A Messenger should not be considered a failure if most of his people do not believe, nor should he be considered unsuccessful if the majority of the people denounced him; his duty was to convey the Message. As for our Messenger Muhammad , he is undoubtedly the most fortunate among the Messengers with respect to guidance; he has the greatest number of followers, and has left behind enormous influence on earth. It is he who has laid down the foundation of justice, and it is he through whom Allaah caused the best Ummah to evolve to mankind. He has reared the most honorable generations that are reckoned with justice, kindness, excellence and knowledge. Through him Allaah eliminated evil from the world, extinguished the fire of the Magian, destroyed the crosses of the Nassara (the Christians), delivered the Arabs from deviation, eliminated the oppression of the Persian kings and Roman paganism. Thus Allaah has established for him his mission, nation, and justice, and the world shone with light after its darkness. What were Persian, Roman and the Arabian peninsula like before his advent? The Messenger of Allaah is the most influential reformer in the whole world, according to the testimony of the unbelievers as quoted from the Encyclopedia Britannica:
"From the very beginning of Islaam, Muhammad had inculcated a sense of brotherhood and a bond of faith among his followers, both of which helped to develop among them a feeling of close relationship that accentuated by their experiences of persecution as a nascent community in Mecca."
If the unbelievers have fairly testified to the truth respecting the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) , then how can Khomeini deny the merit of the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) and the guided cAleephs? He also denies the merits of alleged imams from Ahlil-Beit, although he claims to rank them far above all the Messengers, Prophets and angels. He reviles them all and lowers their estimation, alleging that none of them was able to establish justice on earth, or was successful in reforming humanity.
Is not this apostasy, and denouncement of the testimony of Allaah in favor of His Messenger? "O Prophet, We surely have send you as a Witness, an Announcer of glad tidings and as a Warner." "And an Inviter to Allaah by His command, and as a shining lamp." (Qur'aan - 33:45-46) Has this shining lamp that shed over the whole universe the light of justice, mercy and guidance failed in directing men to the right path, and not succeeded in establishing the bases of justice?
Denying this fact is beyond doubt an insolent repudiation of Allaah's testimony, and rejection of the tangible facts. Such denial and reputation was not ventured upon even by the heads of the unbelievers or by the polytheists. Rather, all the nations of disbelief testify that the Messenger of Allaah has laid down the foundation of justice in a unique manner comparable to none of those before him, and that the cAleephs after him and his companions diffused knowledge, justice, guidance and light everywhere. They were the best models of purity, knowledge and justice known to mankind. Who amongst men, other than Prophets, can match Abu Bakr al-Siddiq or Al-Farooq Umar in purity, fairness, mercy, or perseverance? Are not the companions of the Prophet and the Muslims after them the ones who delivered the people from worshipping men to worshipping the Lord of men alone, and saved them from the dictation of the religions to the justice of Islaam? Anyone who has the slightest doubt regarding these facts is an apostate and an ungrateful person whose heart is full of animosity and jealousy against the Ummah of Muhammad sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam.
Khomeini has surely based his assertions on his blasphemous belief that the companions of the Prophet were all apostate traitors except three to five of them. And he along with the rest of his atheist Zindiq clique impute kufr to the companions of the best of Allaah's Messengers, revile the Mothers of the Believers, the wives of the Prophet, and curse the best of people after the Messenger. Such beliefs are nothing but clear blasphemy, because they defy the testimony of Allaah of the excellence of those pious men. Allaah says, "They are the best people," but Khomeini and his gang bear false witness that they are the worst of people, denying that Allaah is pleased with them, and that He turned to them with mercy. He says, "Surely Allaah was well pleased with the believers when they were swearing allegiance to you under the tree." (Qur'aan - 48:19) They were fourteen-hundred men in the Hudaibiyah. Allaah the Exalted also says, "Allaah has certainly turned with mercy to the Prophet and to the Muhajereen (the emigrants) sad the Ansar (the supporters) who followed him in the hour of distress." (Qur'aan - 9:116) They were thirty thousand. The verse was revealed in reference to this group of the Prophet's companions, may Allaah be pleased with them all. Allaah also says, "Allaah has promised to those of you who believe and do good deeds that He will surely male them successors on earth as He made successors from among those who were before you." (Qur'aan - 24:55)
Allaah has certainly fulfilled His promise, and made them successors, and established for them their religion, and perfected His favor upon them, praise be to Him. But the unbelievers say He did nothing of this sort for them. On the contrary, those companions, Khomeini and his people say, changed the religion of Allaah, after the death of the Prophet, and tampered with the Book of Allaah, and passed the office of CAleephate to those who did not deserve it, and withheld it from those who did. Those zindiqs denounce the testimony of Allaah and His Messenger and persist in their infidelity, and accuse Alee, whom they claim to love most, of being too cowardly to demand his rights, or to oppose the first three cAleephs, Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman, or to denounce-so they claim-their changing of the laws of Allaah! Khomeini and his gang not only deride Alee, may Allaah be pleased with him, but also believe that Alee's remissness culminated in giving his daughter in marriage to Umar, whom he considered an unbeliever, (so they claim). His fear persisted even after he was in authority, and he was unable to produce the true 'hidden Qur'aan', and the complete revelation which was sent down to his wife Fatimah! Rather he concealed all this for fear of people! Thus he, like the Messenger before him failed in his mission, and neither he nor the Messenger of Allaah was able to lay down the foundation of justice!
*** The above is just a brief summary of the tenets of the zindiqs regarding Alee bin Abi TAleeb, and the Messenger of Allaah ; it is plain disbelief. They venture upon reviling them under the pretext of zeal and in the name of Islaam but of course they couch with words of love their derision and reviling. The fact remains that they still accuse Alee of having been a coward until his death. Khomeini and his followers insolently hold the Messenger of Allaah, Alee and his offsprings in light estimation as expressed literally by Khomeini: "Even the Prophets, and the forefathers of imam al-mahdi failed in what they set out to achieve." The dotards and liars claim that the alleged imam Muhammad bin al-Hasan al-Askari will succeed where those before him failed, in guiding humanity and in laying down the foundations of justice on earth. This is a blasphemous assertion for many reasons:
1. This imaginary mahdi has never existed in the past nor does he or will he exist.
They allege that the non-existent mahdi was a three or four year-old boy who encompassed the knowledge of this life as well as the Hereafter's, who entered a tunnel in Samirra, Iraq since 260H. and never came out again. This is nothing other than sheer dotage and mythology, because al-Hasan alAskari never had a son. It is only a fiction invented to deceive the Shiite mob in order to plunder their money in the names of the imams, under the pretext of supporting the Prophet's household. Upon reAleezing that the alleged Imamate will be interrupted if the last of the* imams did not have a son, they invented this lie to keep the open door of lies against Allaah and His Messages, and to keep devouring the unlawful wealth. Neither the Qur'aan nor the Sunnah referred to such an event. It was not even hinted at by any of their imams. An imam who remains in his hiding for twelve hundred years, and does not come out of the tunnel is not credible. Allaah is never forgetful. Allaah has referred in His Book to the great events, in general, until the Day of Judgment, and the Messenger sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam spoke of every minor and major event. How is it possible then that he did not speak of this mythical imam who will have greater influence and blessing than all of the Prophets and Messengers?! Did he speak of his upbringing, his absence, disappearance or reemergence, or of his deputies and spokesmen like Khomeini and the others? Is it credible that the Messenger of Allaah, , who spoke of a fire which will break out in Medina whose flame will be tall enough to be reflected on the necks of the camels in Basra, Iraq, but neglected to inform us of the greatest event (!) which will take place after his death? What is the importance of the fire of Medina compared to that of the Shiite Mahdi, (!) whom they consider to be greater than the Messengers, Prophets and imams?! ! In brief, the myth of the alleged imam is speaking of the unseen, and is a gross heresy. While believing that the alleged imam is still Aleeve after these long years is also an invented lie against Allaah, and blasphemy.
2. The assertion that the birthday of the Mahdi is the greatest holiday for all mankind, (!), and that he will guide all men to the straight path, is made only by one who is ignorant of the institutes of Allaah which He manifested to men. Allaah has already ordained that mankind is not to gather under one single religion, nor to be all guided; there shall be no alteration of the statutes of Allaah. They must be divided into believers and unbelievers.
Due to the infinite wisdom of Allaah, the unbelievers are to constitute the majority in every time and everywhere. Allaah says: "And most men will not believe even though you eagerly desire it." (Qur'aan - 12:1-2) And, "And if you obey the majority of those on earth, they will lead you astray from Allaah's way." (Qur'aan - 6:116) also, "But few of My slaves are grateful." (Qur'aan - 34:13)
Khomeini asserts, "The birthday of the Mahdi is greater to the Muslims than the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam ". This is plain blasphemy because he considers the imaginary mahdi, who is nothing other than a myth, to be superior to the Messenger of Allaah, the best of the Messengers and the most honorable of mankind, and their chief on the Day of Judgment."
Although celebrating birthdays of the Messengers and others is not sanctioned in Islaam, Khomeini makes incumbent, according to his secretive religion, the aggrandizing of the alleged mahdi, even more than the Messenger of Allaah . This also constitutes a plain blasphemy.
4. Once we know that Khomeini has appointed himself a deputy to the alleged imam by virtue of the latter's command (!) to prepare the earth and the state for his emergence, we reAleeze that Khomeini's ultimate objective of aggrandizing his mahdi is to render himself aggrandized. If the mahdi, is greater than all the Messengers, then his deputy is great by virtue of his greatness, and grand by virtue of his grandeur. Thus it has become easy for Khomeini to make his blind followers believe him to be the leader, to add his name jointly with the name of Allaah in the call to prayer 'athan' in the mosques in Iran, to make it a slogan for the mobs to shout it everywhere, even during Hajj in Masjid alHaram, the Sacred Mosque in Mecca, shrieking, "Allaahu akbar Khomeini rahbar, labbaik ya Khomeini," meaning: "Allaah is the greatest, Khomeini is the leader; here we are responding to you, Khomeini"!, instead of calling out, "Labbaik Allaahumma Labbaik," meaning, "Here we are, responding to your call, O Allaah" as the Prophet commanded us to call during the Hajj rituals. Those same followers of Khomeini describe him as, 'Ibraheem of the age', and 'Musa of the time'! Thus he is to them equal to 'Ibraheem, Kaleelu-Allaah' (the friend of Allaah) and 'Musa to whom Allaah has spoken.'
Once it has become clear that the alleged mahdi never did nor will exist, it becomes clear too that Khomeini invented this new heresy in the religion only to set himself up as the legislating lord and the ultimate ruler, to whom all affairs are referred. Otherwise, who else can rule people in the name of an absent prophet, and a hiding mahdi who is to them better than all Messengers? This is exactly what Khomeini is seeking to achieve in accordance with the constitution which he composed and detailed to set himself up as the leader of the nation of which article 5 reads, "During the time when the 12th imam is in occultation, in the Islaamic Republic of Iran, the leadership of the affairs and guidance of the people is the responsibility of a just and pious jurisprudent."!
Therefore, he has made it easy for his blind followers and mobs to hand over to him both the legislative and the executive powers, to legAleeze, prohibit and opine as he chooses regardless of the nation's will. It is impossible to disagree with the deputy of the infallible imam!! And since Khomeini is the deputy of the infallible imam who is superior to all of the Messengers, as he claims, to oppose him is to oppose Allaah, and consequently opposing him is blasphemy and apostasy!! In this manner Khomeini subdues his opponents even though they belong to his religion, because opposing the deputy of the infallible imam is apostasy! Claiming infallibility, holding the right of legislation and assuming absolute authority constitute kufr, because by so doing Khomeini places his words in lieu of the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of His Messenger.
It is known to us, Ahl al-Sunnah Wal-Jama'ah, that we are commanded rulers and ruled to refer our disputes to Allaah and His Messenger. Allaah the Exalted says, "And if you differ in anything among yourselves, refer it to Allaah and His Messenger." Once Khomeini appointed himself the deputy of the infallible imam (!), he made it incumbent to refer to him, the lawmaker, any dispute which may occur in the Council of Shura, within the Council of Ministers or in any other department, according to the Iranian constitution, which we will discuss later on. All this is done so that the blind mob will march behind him in what they call 'the path of the imam', void of their minds, adhering to this Zindiq who rules them with fire and iron, turning some of them against the others, and creating corruption on earth following the footsteps of his forefathers the Karmathians, the Mongolians, the Ubaidis or the like thereof. Khomeini and his followers are surpassing all those before them in destruction and evil.
This assertion was one of the reasons the Muslim scholars condemned Khomeini to blasphemy and apostasy. He states:
"Fatimah al-Zahra lived 75 days after the death of her father, during which she was sad and lonely. Jibreel used to visit and console her, and informed her about all the events which will take place in the future. It appears from this narration that Jibreel during the 75 days used to visit her often, and I do not think that a narration like this related to anyone other than the great prophets. Imam Alee used to write those revelations which were transmitted to her by Jibreel. It is possible though that the affairs of Iran were among the things revealed to her (!) We do not know, but it is quite possible, because imam Alee was the one who wrote down the revelation as he was the scribe of the Messenger. The descending of Jibreel on a person is not simple or an easy issue, and I do not believe that Jibreel descends on any person; there must be harmony between the spirit of whom Jibreel descends on and Jibreel himself, who is considered to be the 'greatest spirit'. This harmony existed between Jibreel and the first-class Prophets such as the Messenger sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, Eesa, Musa, Ibraheem and the like. Jibreel never descended on any other than these. I could not even find a narration referring to the descending of Jibreel on the imams. Thus this excellent status was enjoyed by none after the Prophets other than Fatimah. It is one of the merits with which Fatimah was distinguished."
This statement includes many blasphemous aspects:
1. Khomeini's denouncement of the belief which is unanimously agreed upon by the Muslims, that Prophethood and revelation ceased to continue after the death of the Messenger of Allaah , as confirmed by the words of Allaah: "Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but he is the Messenger of Allaah and the seal of the Prophets." (Qur'aan - 33:40), and by the Messenger's words: "...and He has closed the line of Prophethood with me; there is no prophet after me." (authentic hadeeth) There is consensus among the ummah (the Muslim nation) on this belief which Khomeini has opposed and contradicted by his claim that Jibreel descended on Fatimah, and brought down to her a complete Qur'aan, which the Shiite books allege was three times larger than our Qur'aan.
2. The second blasphemous aspect in his statement is the claim that it is possible that women can be messengers and prophets and receive revelation. But Allaah says, "...And We sent not before you (as Messengers) but men to whom We sent revelation." (Qur'aan - 12:109) As for the word 'revelation' that was mentioned in reference to the wife of Imran, Maryam and the mother of Musa, it means only 'inspiration', as Allaah says: "And your Lord revealed to the bees," meaning, "He inspired the bees". Neither the mother of Musa nor the wife of Imran were prophets or messengers, but Khomeini made of Fatimah a messenger-prophet who received revelation through Jibreel.
3. The third blasphemous aspect is that he holds Fatimah as superior to the Messenger of Allaah sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, and to Alee whom he considers the appointed imam. Claiming that he was only Fatimah's scribe!! Yet Khomeini claims that the revelation which was revealed to her was more perfect than that revealed to the Messenger himself. According to Khomeini and his sect it was a chaste Qur'aan. Whatever the case might be, Khomeini copied the statements of the Zindiq before him. Al-Kulainin, whom they call 'HujjatulIslaam' , wrote in his book 'al-Kafi' which is held by the Shiites as the most authentic reference of the Prophetic tradition collection, the following forged lie against the family of the Prophet , under the head line, [Chapter which includes the reference to 'Sahifah = sheet', 'al-Jafr = bookcase' 'alJami'ah = the collection' and 'Mushaf Fatimah = the Qur'aan of Fatimah'], the following: I-Abu Basir said, "I entered on Abu Abdullah, peace be on him, and said to him, 'May I be your ransom, I would like to ask you a question. Is there anyone around here who may be listening t o my words?' Then Abu Abdullah pulled up a curtain separating between him and another room and looked and said, 'Abu Muhammad, ask whatever you wish'. I said, 'May I be your ransom, your Shiite followers are saying that the Messenger of Allaah taught Alee, peace be on him, a chapter through which will open to him a thousand chapters.' He said, 'Abu Muhammad, the Messenger of Allaah taught Alee a thousand chapters, and each chapter opens up to a thousand chapters.' I said, 'By Allaah, this indeed is the knowledge.' He said, 'It is, but not the knowledge. Then he said, 'Abu Muhammad, we have al-Jami'ah. What do they know about al-Jami'ah? I said, 'May I be your ransom, what is alJami'ah?' He said, 'It is a seventy-yard-long sheet dictated by the Messenger of Allaah to Alee. It contains the names of every lawful and unlawful thing, and everything the people need.' I said, 'By Allaah, this is the knowledge.' He said, 'It is, but not the knowledge.' Then he said, 'And we have al-Jafr, what do they know about al-Jafr? I said, 'What is al-Jafr?' He said, 'It is a leather pouch containing the knowledge of the prophets, the guardians, the dead scholars of the Children of Israel.' I said, 'This is the knowledge.' He said, 'It is, but not the knowledge.' Then he said, 'And we have the Qur'aan of Fatimah, may peace be on her.' I said, 'What is the Qur'aan of Fatimah, peace be on her?' He said, 'It contains three times as much as your Qur'aan does. By Allaah, it does not have one letter of your Qur'aan.' I said: 'This, by Allaah is the knowledge.' He said, 'It is knowledge but not that.' Then He said, 'We have the knowledge of what happened and what will happen till the Final Hour is established.' I said, 'May I be your ransom! By Allaah this is the knowledge.' He said, 'It is knowledge, but not that.' I said, 'May I be your ransom! What is the knowledge then?' He said, 'Whatever happens in the night and day, and the affair after the affair, and the thing after the thing till the Day of Judgment." Alkulaini also reported: "Hammad said: 'I heard Abu Abdullah, peace be on him, saying, 'zindiqs will appear in the year 128H. That is because I looked in the Qur'aan of Fatimah, peace be on her.' I said, 'What is Qur'aan of Fatimah?' He said, 'When Allaah collected His Prophet she was overcome by sadness which only Allaah knows the depth of, then He sent to her an angel to console, and communicate to her; so she informed Amir alMu'mineen Alee, peace be on him, who told her: 'Let me know when this happens.' She heard the sound and informed Alee. He began to write all he heard until he compiled them in a mus-haf. He said, "It surely contains nothing of the halal and haram, but it contains the knowledge of what will happen." (!!) Having been acquainted with the contents of al-Kafi, one may realise that Khomeini is not the first to forge lies against Fatimah and Alee. He was preceded by the zindiqs before him who transmitted such dotage and myths, by which they try to impugn the image of Fatimah and Alee, may Allaah be pleased with them. They both are far from what the apostate impute to them. We demand and challenge those zindiqs time after time to produce the alleged Qur'aan of Fatimah. Why did not she confront those who disobeyed the command of Allaah, as you claim? O, atheistic zindiqs, we ask all of you, Where is that material which Alee supposedly wrote? Why did he not publish and publicize it during the five-year period of his rule? Where was the fabricated Qur'aan? The fourth blasphemous aspect is the claim that the Qur'aan revealed to Fatimah is in existence, and that it is kept with the absent imam, and that Alee was not successful in publicizing it during his caleephate. Khomeini says: "Alee, peace be on him, did not have the chance to unveil the knowledge of truth, and this knowledge of truth is that which the Prophet whispered in Alee's ear. Alee himself said, 'The knowledge which the Prophet whispered in my ear contains thousands of chapters of knowledge.' It is unfortunate that the chance was not available to Alee nor to his succeeding imams to bring out this knowledge. Nor did they find a person fit enough to carry it, and to clarify the true meaning of the Qur'aanic teachings. Thus the imam departed with the knowledge of truth." ["Khomeini's Method in the Scale of the Islaamic Thought," as reviewed by the Pakistani magazine 'Ishya', September 23,1984.] With these words, Khomeini accuses Alee, may Allaah be pleased with him, that he concealed the Qur'aan of Fatimah as well as the knowledge privately communicated to him by the Messenger of Allaah, and did not publish it, even though he was Caleeph for five years.
Where is this knowledge??? This is a blasphemous statement because it contains an accusation of the Messenger of Allaah, for having betrayed the trust of conveying the Message to all people, but distinguished with it some over the others. Far removed is he from what they impute to him. They impute the same to Alee for leaving the Muslims without the knowledge of truth, according to their claims. In brief, those liars seek to impugn the reputation of the household of the Messenger of Allaah. As for Fatimah, may Allaah be pleased with her, she is the lady of the women in Jannah, and she is far removed from their filthy lies. It is an established fact that whoever claims prophethood, or receiving revelation, is a liar Zindiq like Musailamah, Sajah, al-Aswad al- Ansi, al-Mukhtar, al-Thaqafi and the like who claimed to be prophets. These filthy people, hold the love of the household (Ahl alBait) of the Messenger of Allaah sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam as a cover under which they hide their blasphemy and atheism.
My Muslim brothers, watch over and heed.
Like the rest of the zindiqs, who bear mAleece and hatred against Islaam and its people, who revile the Messenger of Allaah and his companions, and who are hiding under the pretext of the love of Ahl al- Bait, Khomeini says:
"We are not dealing, at this point, with the two shaikhs, or with whatever violations they committed against the Qur'aan, tampered with the commands of Allaah, declared things lawful and things unlawful on their own accord, practiced oppression against Fatimah, the daughter of the Prophet and her sons. But we want to point out their ignorance of the commands of Allaah and the religion. People like those ignorant fools, hobos and tyrants were not fit to be in the office of Imamate, nor to be included among the people of authority." [Khomeini, Kashf al-Asrar, pp. 107, 108.]
The liar further asserts: "It is quite obvious from all that has preceded that the violations of the two shaikhs against the Qur'aan were not of great importance to the Muslims. That is because they were either in the party of the two shaikhs and supportive of them or against them, but did not dare to say a thing to those who treated the Messenger of Allaah and his daughter the way they did. Even if one of the opposition was to say something, his words would pass unattended to, even if these issues were mentioned in the Qur'aan. Those two would not have refrained from their way, nor would have they abdicated their office.'' [ibid, pp. 116. 33]
The malevolent Khomeini refers to al-Farooq Umar, may Allaah be pleased with him and despites his enemies, saying: "The actions of Umar issued forth from disbelief and heresies and the violations of verse mentioned in the Qur'aan." [ibid, pp. 117. 34 ] There is no doubt that these assertions reveal blasphemy and apostasy, and deviation from the path of the believers for many reasons:
1. Reviling the two shaikhs and imputing to them disbelief and apostasy, and accusing them of violating the Qur'aan willfully and ignorantly, and imputing to them foolishness and tyranny is, first of all discrediting the testimony of the Lord of the Worlds, Subhanahu, Who praised them, and chose them to be the company of His Prophet, the most honorable of His creatures, and distinguished them with guidance, those who fought continuously alongside His Messenger in all battles. The Messenger of Allaah sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam married their daughters, and spoke well of them above the other companions. He testified to their admittance to Jannah, and they enjoyed Allaah's pleasure. All the Muslim ummah testified to their excellence except the apostate and the heretic who has rebelled against the consensus of the ummah. Allaah the Exalted says, "If you do not help him, then know that Allaah helped him when the disbelievers drove him forth when he was one of the two, when they were both in the cave." (Qur'aan - 9:40) Here is a testimony from Allaah in favor of Abu Bakr al-Siddiq, may Allaah be pleased with him, who was with the Prophet when both of them were hiding in the cave when they took flight to Medina, which was one of the most difficult situations the Prophet endured. Reviling Abu Bakr means rejecting Allaah's testimony: "But the righteous one shall be kept away from it (the Fire), who gives his wealth (in charity) to become purified. And he owes no favor to anyone which must be repaid." (Qur'aan - 92:17-19) The exegetes unanimously agree that these verses refer to Abu Bakr al-Siddiq, who used to buy slaves with his own money and set them free, seeking the pleasure of Allaah. To revile him means also holding Allaah, extolled be His glory, in light estimation, for He chose him to be the first man to enter the fold of Islaam, and a multitude of men were guided by him in the early stages of Islaam. Allaah chose him to keep the company of His Messenger throughout his life, before and after Prophethood. When he died, his body was laid beside the body of the Messenger of Allaah and Umar, that their companionship be extended to the Hereafter. Reviling al-Siddiq necessitates impugning the Messenger of Allaah who chose him to be his companion throughout his life. When the Messenger of Allaah was asked, 'Who among people is dearest to you?' he said, 'A'ishah.' Then he was asked, 'And of men? He replied, 'Her father.' (Bukhari & Muslim) He also said, "If I were to take from the people of the earth a friend, I would take Abu Bakr, but the brotherhood of Islaam and its love suffice."
It is unanimously agreed that he who reviles al-Siddiq reviles Allaah the Exalted and the Messenger of Allaah, who married his daughter and lived with her for the rest of his life. Therefore if al-Siddiq was ignorant, a s Khomeini (the insolent liar claims), then this is directed to the Messenger of Allaah ;sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam because he failed to teach his companion throughout the period of their company; and if al-Siddiq was a tyrant and unjust, as the liar claims, then it is his companion, the Prophet who would be to blame.
One may ask Khomeini and all the zindiqs like him, "Was the Messenger of Allaah aware of Abu Bakr al-Siddiq's disbelief, ignorance and injustice or not?" If their answer is in the negative, then they declare themselves unbelievers and apostate, for they would be imputing ignorance and poor judgment to the Messenger of Allaah sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam for being unable to know the characteristics of his life-companion. And if they say, 'Yes, he knew that Abu Bakr was ignorant and unjust, but he kept silent, even praised him instead, married his daughter, died while his head was on her chest, and appointed him to lead the congregational prayers.' If they testify to all this then they declare themselves disbelievers, because it is impossible that the Messenger of Allaah would have approved of falsehood or erroneous behavior, nor would it have behaved him to do so. Whichever of the two answers they might give shows their disbelief.
We also ask these atheists, "Where was Allaah the Exalted when both al-Siddiq and al-Farook were deceiving His Prophet, as you claim, seeking to gain power after him? Why did Allaah not reveal Qur'aanic verses to expose them, at a time when Allaah was revealing words in reference to much less important issues than theirs? At one time Allaah revealed verses exposing a hypocrite who lagged behind in one of the battles, and another who slandered the Prophet by a word. Others were exposed for having built a mosque as a detriment to the believers. How then is it possible that Allaah did not expose those who manipulated His Messenger, as you contemptuously assert, tampered with His religion, and oppressed the family of His Prophet? If you say that Allaah knew all that but did not expose them, you would certainly testify against yourselves with apostasy by imputing to Allaah the imperfection of not cautioning His Messenger against them and thus of approving of error and falsehood; far removed is He from your attribution. And if you say that Allaah did reveal words exposing them, we would demand of you to bring forth your proof We further ask you, why did not the Prophet make public those words or at least warn hi companion and his ummah against the two shaikhs, Abu Bakr and Umar? And why did he conceal the facts about them all his life?
"Know, you rebellious apostate, that you do not revile Abu Bakr and Umar, but rather the Messenger of Allaah. In fact you revile Allaah the Exalted Who is above His seven heavens, and revile too the family of the Prophet whom you claim were accomplices in the cover-up. Where was Alee when the Book of Allaah was tampered with, and when the caleephate was taken by force? Why did he not speak up? Why was he the main supporter and advisor of Abu Bakr and Umar? And where was the rest of the household of the Prophet during the alleged ordeal?
You reiterate that the two shaikhs disinherited Alee and Fatimah of the Prophet's estate, that Fatimah litigated against al-Siddiq over this issue, and that Alee and al-Abbas debated with both of the shaikhs, demanding their rights of the inheritance. We say, this did take place, but the accusation you level against the two shaikhs, of changing the religion of Allaah, and taking over the cAleephate by force, are far more serious than the mundane issue of disinheritance. Did Alee, Fatimah and al-Abbas have greater concern over a piece of land than over the religion of Allaah and the leadership of the Muslim ummah? Did they litigate with the two shaikhs respecting the inheritance and neglect litigating over changing the religion of Allaah and tampering with His Book? Did they recover their courage when it came to claiming their own rights and lose it when it came to claiming the rights of Allaah? This is the worst insult you could level against the family of the Prophet. Where were the hundreds of thousands of Muslims when the religion of Allaah was being tampered with? Were those Muslims who sacrificed their property and lives seeking the pleasure of Allaah too cowardly to rectify the wrong? It is they whom Allaah praised and made them the best nation evolved to mankind. Of course, you claim that they all returned from Islaam to disbelief except for three or five of them. [Abu Bakr and Umar did not give out the estate left by the Prophet to his hiers due to the fact that the Prophet instructed: "We Prophets do not bequeath: Our estate which we leave behind goes to charity."]
"You turned from Islaam to disbelief the moment you imputed ignorance to Allaah, and asserted that He approves of injustice and the unjust, giving unbelievers a free hand in playing havoc with His religion; far removed is He from what you impute to Him."
"Allaah has promised to guard His Book, saying, "Verily, We have sent down al-dthikr (the Qur'aan), and most certainly We will be its guardians." (Qur'aan 15:9) But you most certainly are apostate by denying that Allaah has fulfilled His promise, that He did not establish for His Messenger and his nation after him the religion, and praised the evil people, making them the best. You turned to apostasy when you claimed that Allaah chose for His beloved Messenger hypocrites, liars and deceitful people. You turned to blasphemy when you imputed to the Messenger of Allaah ignorance of the two shaikhs. You disbelieved in Allaah when you alleged that the Messenger of Allaah married the daughters of the hypocrites and unbelievers, and when you alleged that he kept both A'ishah and Hafsah as his wives knowing that they were unbelievers. You returned to unbelief when you imputed lying to Allaah, Extolled be His glory, for praising the Ummah of Muhammad in His Book:
"Muhammad is the messenger of Allaah. And those who are with him are hard against the unbelievers, kind among themselves. You see them bowing and prostrating themselves in prayer seeking grace from Allaah and His pleasure. Their marks are upon their faces, being the traces of prostration. This is their description in the Torah, and their description in the Gospel is like a seed produce that sends forth its sprouts, then makes it strong; it then becomes thick, and stands firm on its stem, delighting the sowers that He may cause the disbelievers to burn with rage..." (Qur'aan - 48:29)
"I am sorry, you actually did not return to apostasy, because you never believed, nor did you ever enter the fold of Islaam, nor did you believe in the Book of Allaah or His Messenger. Your claim of belief is only evasion and falsehood, and your claim of supporting the family of the Prophet is a lie, because you are in truth the worst enemy of his family. You claimed that every filthy liar and a crook who was not an Arab, was a member of the household of the Prophet. How could those with their unchaste tongues be the most honorable of people and belong to the family of the Prophet?
Lo, know you that Allaah holds the family of the Prophet innocent of your filth, and far away from your falsehood, and protects them from your planning." In brief, by reviling the two shaikhs Khomeini reviles Allaah, His Messenger and his pure family, as well as the great honorable ummah which Allaah praised, making bear witness against the first and the last nations saying, "Thus have We made you an exalted nation, that you may bear witness against people, and the Messenger bear witness against you." (Qur'aan - 2:143)
Praise be to Allaah Who has testified to the goodness, virtue and excellence of the ummah of Muhammad, to the strong faith of Abu Bakr al-Siddiq and Umar, and to their admittance to Jannah. May Allaah's curse be on every mAleecious and spiteful detractor who is against the great guided ummah.
Muslims today face the worst catastrophe in modem history, Khomeini's Shiite revolution in Iran, with its readiness to destroy the Muslim world by setting up the alternative regime and creed. Since this regime uses religious occasions as a pretext to spew its venom and shield its deviant tenets, it has become incumbent upon us to be aware of this fact.
Rabi' al-Awwal is one of those occasions used by Khomeini's regime in Tehran to deceive Muslims by celebrating the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam to mislead the simple-minded and the ignorant into thinking that he exalts and commemorates the Messenger of Allaah sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam . But the fact of the matter is to the contrary. Khomeini and his gang revile the Messenger of Allaah and impute to him all kinds of falsehood and lies as necessitated by their beliefs. The Messenger of Allaah is removed from their lies. According to their beliefs he was traitorous, ignorant, cowardly, and hypocritical, failing to properly convey the Message and to guide the people, and unfit for the Mission he was assigned. They claim that he gathered around him the worst of people, the ignorant Bedouins, and made them his associates, supporters and beloved ones, he married their daughters and gave them his daughters in marriage. In return they were ungrateful to him and did not deserve this honor. They changed his religion, altered his laws, breached his trust, plundered his family's rights, devoured his inheritance, and tampered with the Book of Allaah. These are some of the beliefs of Khomeini and his gang in brief, as detailed hereunder:
Khomeini has become the representative of Shiite, thought which was hidden in the tenet of taqiyyah [See Glossary 40] for a long time, and has gone a step further by making obvious what was once allusion, and textualised the connotations of their beliefs.
* In his speech on the occasion of the 15th of Shaaban, he claimed that their imam will succeed where all those before him, including the Messenger of Allaah failed. As a result, the Muslim scholars issued their fatwas condemning Khomeini to blasphemy for deriding and holding in contempt the Messenger of Allaah.
* In another speech he delivered on 'Women's Day' (2.3.1986), he claimed that Jibreel, peace be on him, brought down revelation to Fatimah, may Allaah be pleased with her, for 75 days after the death of the Messenger of Allaah, and that Alee was her scribe. By so claiming, he refers to what all the Shiites quote from their own books: that they have the Qur'aan of Fatimah, which is three times larger than ours and does not include a single letter from ours. Thus Khomeini brings to light what was hidden and holds Fatimah to be superior to the Messenger sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, because the Qur'aan which she received was unalterable and three times larger than the alterable one which her father received.
* He claims that those who are fighting under his leadership against Iraq and the Muslim countries, and spreading evil everywhere in the world, are more courageous and better than those who fought with the Messenger of Allaah.
* In his book 'Kashf al-Asrar', Khomeini asserts, "The charge of tampering with the Book of Allaah with which the Muslims indict the Jews and Christians, is only established against the Prophet's companions." He further elaborated in the same book, "It was easy for them (the Prophet's companions) to delete verses from the Qur'aan, subject the Divine Scripture to alteration, and hide it away from people."
* He who thinks that Khomeini and his gang gratify and love the Prophet's family is mistaken. In fact they use the false display of love to conceal mAleece against Islaam, and justify cursing the first and the last of the ummah, and reviling every from the Household of the Prophet called for the unity of the Muslims, or anyone who speaks well of the companions of the Messenger of Allaah. On Ghadir's Day Khomeini criticized Alee for accepting arbitration in the battle of Siffeen, and al-Hassan for abdicating leadership to Mu'awiyah. He also claimed that Alee was not successful in establishing the Islaamic regime as it should have been, and that neither he nor the Messenger, nor those after him, succeeded in applying Islaam or in establishing the Islaamic state, as well as that Divine Justice, has not been established yet. Only he (of course!) on behalf of the absent imam, succeeded in establishing the Islaamic government and the Divine Justice. His supposedly Islaamic rule is massacring tens of thousands on the gallows and in prisons, apprehending hundreds of thousands more and sending them to jails. We mentioned earlier that Khomeini came to represent Shiite thought and to reveal what was concealed implementing it in the Iranian constitution, of which Article 5 reads: "During the time when the twelfth imam (may god expedite his appearance) is in occultation, in the Islaamic Republic of Iran, the leadership of affairs and the guidance of the people is the responsibility of a just and pious jurisprudent, aware of the times, courageously applying drive and initiative, whom the majority of the people know and accept to be the leader...."
* Article 12 reads: "The official religion of Iran is Islaam of the Ja'fari 12's sect, and this article is inalterable in perpetuity...."
By virtue of this constitution, Khomeini appoints himself as an imam and a deputy of the absent imam, who never existed and never will. He also designated Ja'fari thought as the state religion. Alee is far from being associated with this line of thought. He never claimed that a revelation came to him, or that he was his wife's scribe, nor did he claim that he enjoyed a status above that of the Prophet or of Abu Bakr and Umar, let alone above that of all the messengers and angels. He never claimed that there would be twelve imams from his offsprings, or called any group the twelfth imamers, possessing a different Qur'aan and changing the words of the 'azan' (call for prayer). Neither did he revile those guided cAleephs before him. Rather, he attested to their superiority over him, and wished to meet Allaah having done deeds like those of Umar. In fact he announced in public that there would never be a man like Umar again. This is the creed of Alee bin Abi TAleeb, may Allaah be pleased with him, the leader of the pious, and of his army and supporters. The exception was al-Khawarij, who rebelled and imputed to him disbelief; therefore he fought and conquered them. As for the Shiites to whom Khomeini and his gang relate, they upheld the heretical beliefs throughout the centuries, giving up the deification of khosraus, the Persian kings and the Magian fire worshippers but deifying those whom they called '_'. Khomeini and his gang are the descendants of Abdullah bin Saba', the Jew who desired to corrupt the religion of the Muslims, who found an audience among the Persian mobs and the ignorant people. It was they who said to Ali, "You are Allaah". For that, he burnt them to death. They threw themselves into the fire, saying, "I hasten me to you, my lord, that you may be pleased. Now we know for sure that you are Allaah, because no one punishes with fire except Allaah."
Their followers, void of sense, passed on their heresies to those after them, who in turn take every opportunity to vent their hatred on Muslims and to vilify the Messenger of Allaah directly and indirectly. They charge the Prophet with being afraid and evasive, unable to appoint Alee publicly as his successor until Allaah warned him: "O, Messenger, convey to people what has been revealed to you from your Lord. If you do not, you have not conveyed His Message; and Allaah protects you from people." (Qur'aan - 5:67)
They falsely claim that the above verse originally read as follows: "...convey what has been revealed to you respecting Alee...." And they interpret the word 'people' in the verse as referring to Abu Bakr and Umar. But they claim the Messenger was too scared to mention it to them, and make public the will and the command of Allaah, lest they assemble people against him!!
Imagine how filthy-minded Khomeini and his followers are, daring to impute to the Messenger of Allaah such low quality! The least intuitive of the Arabs could distinguish his enemy from his friend, particularly if he lived with him for a short while. By rights, he should have known him better if he spent most of his lifetime with him. Those hypocrites do not impugn his Prophethood only, but also his rectitude, aptitude and perception for having assembled around himself, according to Khomeini, a group of disbelievers and hypocrites who were anxiously waiting for him to die in order to take over the seat of authority, tamper with the Qur'aan, oppress the members of his family and deprive them of their rights of the Imamate!!
Muslims can see for themselves how serious the accusations are with which the Prophet is charged. What could be worse than this revilement of the Messenger of Allaah? No man is known to have kept as dose relationship with the Messenger of Allaah as Abu Bakr, may Allaah be pleased with him. There was no woman whom he loved as a wife like A'ishah, yet she has not escaped the reviling of this mAleecious group to the point of accusing her of hypocrisy and adultery, of which she was exonerated by the words of Allaah, Who called the accusation a lie saying: "Verily, those who brought forth the lie are a group from you... " and Allaah further referred to A'ishah saying: 'These are innocent of all that they (the mAleegners) allege. For them is forgiveness and bountiful provision." (Qur'aan - 24:26)
The apostates call Abu Bakr and Umar 'the two idols of Quraish' and nickname them 'al-Jibt' and 'al-Taghoot'. They mention them in their supplications saying, "O, Allaah curse the two idols of Quraish, their Jibt and their Taghoot*, and curse their two daughters," meaning the two wives of the Prophet : A'ishah, the daughter of Abu Bakr, and Hafsah, the daughter of Umar.
* Jibt is sorcery, and Taghoot is every dirty beside Allaah.
Those zindiqs desire to revile and defame the Messenger of Allaah, but they know that doing so openly would turn the whole Muslim world against them. Therefore they declare them as apostate and resort to the crafty approach of accusing everyone around the Messenger of Allaah of disbelief, evasion and hypocrisy and of following their whims for mundane gain. Thus to attack the Prophet .t indirectly and to make him look like a hopeless person who was not fit to be a Messenger of Allaah. The assertion made by those zindiqs, that all the Prophet's companions apostatized save three or five, is undoubtedly meant to refute the most particular qualities of the Messenger : instructionability, cleansability and trustworthiness, for which Allaah has praised him saying, "He it was Who raised among the unlettered a Messenger from among themselves to recite to them His verses, and to cleanse them and to teach them the Book and the Sunnah, although they had been before in manifest deviation." (Qur'aan - 62:2) In this verse Allaah the Exalted reminds the Muslim ummah of the favors He conferred upon them by sending them the Messenger to cleanse and instruct them. He also reminds His Messenger of qualifying him for this mission, by virtue of which his ummah was qualified too.
Having been praised by Allaah means that he actually did fulfill the Message perfectly. This leaves no room for doubt that His Messenger was indeed successful beyond all measure in fulfilling the Message, and in rearing well-instructed and well-cleansed companions, thus deserving the praise of Allaah. Had the Messenger of Allaah failed in his mission, Allaah would not have commended him so often.
But this gang of heretics, Khomeini and the like, defy Allaah and persist in their allegations and falsehood, saying that all except a few of the companions turned to disbelief. Even Alee, whom they consider as one of the three or five who remained in Islaam, they claim was afraid to rectify the wrong!!
These are the assertions and accusations Khomeini and his followers charge the Prophet and his companions with. This is their real religion, based on animosity, leaving no room for the Messenger of Allaah sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam or for any member of his family. The constitution which Khomeini calls 'the constitution of the Islaamic republic' turns all the power to him, disregarding the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of His Messenger. This fact is clearly emphasized in the constitution. Paragraph 5 of Article 2 reads:
"Imamate and the positive leadership and sensitive role of it is in the continuity of the Islaamic revolution." Imamate is the central belief of their religion. The legislation of the Messenger of Allaah it and his Sunnah are replaced in the Iranian government with a legislator whom Khomeini puts on the same level as the Prophet. This legislator is a four-year-old boy who entered a tunnel twelve hundred years ago and never came out again. In the name of this boy, a man rules who is more vile, mAleecious, hateful and foul tongued than any the world has ever witnessed. Khomeini has surpassed every reviler who has attacked or will attack the Messenger of Allaah and his pure companions. This same man never misses a chance to commend his idols, the worst enemies of the Messenger of Allaah: Nasir al-Deen al-Toosi the Magian and Ibn al-Alqami, who were the advisors of the Mongol Holago who staged the onslaught of the Muslims in Baghdad, Iraq, which marked the end of the Abbasid caleephate. Today the heretics in Iran celebrate the birthday of the Prophet to deceive the Muslims into thinking that they adhere to his Sunnah and faith.
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