Ibn al-Qayyim
- O people who
take pleasure in a life that will vanish, falling in love with a faded shadow
is sheer stupidity! (Purification of the Soul, p. 147)
- "If you were
to see a repenting person, you would see weary eyelids early in the morning
asking for forgiveness and listening to Allaah's command: 'Repent to Allaah
with a sincere repentance'. You would see that his diet is light and his
grief heavy; his body weakened by fasting and his feet tired from prayers.
He would be exausted both physically and spiritually" (Taken from: 'Sincere
Repentance', page 12)
- "The servitude
in repentance is the most noble and beloved form of servitude in the Eyes
of Allaah. He loves those who repent and it is because of His love for His
creation that He tests them with sins so that He may shower His Blessings
and Favours upon them after they repent" (Taken from: 'Sincere Repentance',
page 13)
- Love of Allah
Found in "Al-Walaa wal-Baraa" of M S al-Qahtani:
love of the Beloved
must be unconditionally returned.
you claim love
yet oppose the Beloved,
then your love is but a pretence.
You love the enemies of your Beloved
and still seek love in return.
fight the beloved of your Beloved.
Is this Love or the following of shaytaan?
True devotion is nothing
but total submission
of body and soul
to One Love.
have seen humans claim to submit,
yet their loyalties are many.
put their trust here, and their hope there,
and their love is without consequence.
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