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of Muslim Scholars on Khomeini
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PUBLISHED AND DISTRIBUTED BY: Ansar of Imaam Alee (May Allaah be pleased with him) Association
Praise be to Allaah, Whose praise suffices, and may peace be on His chosen slaves.
The Muslim world is facing today the worst affliction recorded in its contemporary history, from the Shiite Iranian revolution of Khomeini. This revolution seeks to undermine the faith of the Muslim world, and attempts to replace it with pre-Islaamic pagan beliefs, to subjugate and fragment the Muslim world and destroy it by collaborating with the enemies of Allaah: the communists, the Jews, the clandestine secretive sects, zindiqs and atheists.
Since many Muslim youths are unaware of the intellectual and ideological background of Khomeini, the leader of this revolution, and are ignorant of the objective he is seeking, a dark fate awaits the Muslim world if they succumb to the deceitful sweet words uttered by some leading figures in the revolution.
We desire in this brief discourse to expose one side of the true ideology of the leader of the Iranian revolution, and to refute the blasphemous statements which he bas made on various occasions. In the meantime, we will present the legal evidence upon which the fatwas are based condemning Khomeini to Kufr or blasphemy and deviation, issued by the competent scholars from all over the Muslim world.
This discourse may serve as a caution to the heedless amongst the Muslims, and as an excuse for us to Allaah, the Lord of the Worlds, and as sincere advice to the ummah. Allaah surely protects His religion and Message from all atheists.
"They plot and Allaah plans, and Allaah is the best of planners." (Qur'aan - 8:30)
The Author
Praise be to Allaah who gives, honors and humiliates whomsoever He pleases. His is goodness and omnipotence. Peace be on the Prophet Muhammad, the Messenger of Mercy to the world, a Light unto all creation and a Savior of the faithful servants of God.
The "Ansar of Imaam AR Association is pleased to present to our dear readers this thoughtful discourse, "THE MUSLIM SCHOLARS' FATWA CONCERNING KHOMEINI", in order to refute Khomeini's allegations and numerous blasphemous statements which caused divisions and dissent in the ranks of the Islaamic nation.
Khomeini claims to be a faithful follower of Imaam Alee and his Household, but the facts indicate otherwise. Indeed, Khomeini is the arch-enemy of Imaam Alee for the following reasons:
Firstly, the Imaam (Alee) endorsed the three successors to the Prophet Muhammad, giving them good advice, and serving them as a faithful soldier and trusted adviser. He never reviled or faulted them, let done accused them of blasphemy or disavowed them. But Khomeini who claims to be a follower of Alee has reviled Abu Bakr and Omar, accusing them and all the Ummah of the Prophet of blasphemy, thus acting contrary to Imaam Alee and having blasphemed himself when he accused the Prophet's companions of blasphemy.
Secondly, he accused Imaam Alee and all the Shia Imaams of failing to establish justice and virtue. He made himself and his hidden Imaam the quAleefied leaders to establish virtue and justice, thus denigrating Imaam Alee and and all the struggles of the Prophet and his successors and Imaams.
Thirdly, Khomeini is repeating the falsehood of such zendiqs as the Jew Abdullah Ibn Saba and his followers who claimed that Imaam Alee was a channel of revelation to the Prophet, that he possessed all Islaamic knowledge and all the secrets of Islaamic religion that he outrank of all the Prophets and Messengers of God Imaam Alee had burned those Sabaeans, pursued them in every town and village, as he pursued their head Abdullah Ibn Saba to kill him. And by God, if Imaam Alee were Aleeve and ruling, the first thing he would do would be to finish Khomeini and his cohorts who altered God's religion and ascribed to Alee what the Sabaeans Zendiqs had claimed. For Khomeini and his followers claim that Alee's virtuous wife, the Lady of all women in Paradise, said: "I have received revelation after the Prophet's death. For seventy five days the angel Gabriel would visit me, dictating to me a Qur'aan three times larger than the one revealed to my father. It does not even contain one letter from my father's Qur'aan." Thus, those Zendiqs have accused Fatima, may God be pleased with her, of blasphemy, and of ascribing revelation to herself, of saying the Qur'aan was false and of giving the lie to the Prophet.
For all that, the "Ansar of Imaam Alee Association" felt the need to defend Alee's religion, honor and faith. And there is no better defense than to stand up to his enemies who are plundering the Shiites in his name and inflicting grievous injustice on the Shia community.
As a matter of fact, Khomeini and his followers are the archenemies of Imaam Alee and his virtuous children, for they ascribed to them divine feats, such as mastering knowledge of all disciplines and even controlling the atoms of the universe. Those liars claimed that the Shia Imaams had ascribed these powers to themselves, reviled the companions of the Prophet, imputed Kufr (blasphemy) to Muslims, claimed the Qur'aan was incomplete and even distorted, said that they received revelation and that they were created from the light of God, that they could gain admittance to Paradise for whoever they desired, and get out of Hell-fire whoever they pleased. They claimed that they were going to kill all those who contradicted them, destroy all Muslims and wreak vengeance on Abu Bakr and Omar because they allegedly usurped their rights and deprived them of their inheritance, their state and their domain. But all these claims are lies ascribed to the Imaams who were models of virtue, enlightenment, knowledge and faith.
For all the above allegations and lies, the genuine followers of Imaam Alee are duty bound to stand up to those falsifiers and expose their allegations and falsehoods to everyone in order to salvage the reputation of Imaam Alee, the commander of the faithful, and those of his virtuous children, and to protect Muslim beliefs from those apostate Zendiqs.
So we ask God almighty to accept this effort as purely for his own sake.
The Publisher
Numerous religious authorities have issued their judicial rulings respecting the blasphemy and apostasy of Khomeini. Those authorities include the Muslim World League which gave a deliverance on the subject on the 9th of Ramadan 1400 h (1980), and another at its 3rd annual conference in Safar, 1408/1987; the Ministry of Endowment and Religious Affairs in Morroco, 1400h., ash-Shaikh al-Habib Bal-Khojah, the Jurist consult of the Tunisian Republic; his eminence, ash-Shaikh Abdul-Aziz bin Baz, ash-Shaikh Nasirud-Deen al-Albani, the leading authority in the science of the Prophetic tradition; and many other scholars in the Muslim world.
Since many students of knowledge, as well as common people, may not be aware of the legal evidence upon which the relevant judicial ruling is based, some may even wonder why Khomeini was condemned to kufr, or blasphemy. For this reason, we desire to cite in this discourse the statements and opinions made by him, and follow these with the judicial argument which exposes their blasphemous nature. This will serve as established evidence against the unbelievers and the rebellious, and also to render ourselves excused before Allaah, "... and that they may fear Him." (Qur'aan - 7:164)
In his book 'The Islaamic Government', Khomeini says:
"Verily, the Imaam has a praised station, a supreme rank and universal sovereignty to which authority and command submit all the atoms of this universe. And of the imperatives of our religion is that our Imaams occupy a praised station which is accessible by neither a close angel nor a sent prophet ... And in accordance with the narrations and traditions that are in our possession, the greatest Messenger and the Imaams, peace be on them, were light before the existence of this world, then Allaah made them surround His Throne. It has been related to them that they have states with Allaah which are encompassed by neither a close angel nor a sent prophet" [pp. 52, Cairo, 1979 10]
Ever since this book was published, the Muslim scholars have been issuing their deliverances condemning Khomeini to apostasy for the following reasons:
1. There is neither a vase in the Qur'aan nor an authentic tradition from the Messenger of Allaah referring to the eminence or Imaamate of the alleged Imaams, let alone the alleged status related to them.
2. The so-called 'Universal vice-regency' requires, from Khomeini's standpoint, that when those Imaams say to a thing Be, it is. ("...and to them submit the atoms of this universe.") This indeed is a quAleety restricted only to Allaah, the Creator, who is far removed from every imperfection. He stands in need of no supporters or helpers in creation nor are there any to share His dominion, as He says: "Say, Call upon Those you allege beside Allaah , They control not even the weight of an ant in the heavens nor on the earth, nor have they any share in either, and He has no helper among them." (Qur'aan - 34:22) He, extolled be His glory, also says, "Blessed is He Whose hand is the domain, and has power over all things." (Qur'aan - 67.1) All the domain is in the hand of Allaah alone; He does not pass any portion thereof to any of His slaves. He says, "Those of you who allege beside Him own not 'Qitmeer:" (the thin skin which is upon the datestone). Allaah the exalted says, referring to the angels, "They say, 'The Beneficent has taken to Himself a son, far removed is He from what they attribute to Him, Say, they are only honored slaves. They speak not before He speaks and they act only by His commands. He knows what is before them and what is behind them, and they intercede not except for him whom He approves. They are awestricken fearing Him. Whoever of them should say: 'I am a god beside Him, him shall We requite with Hell. Thus do We requite the unbelievers." (Qur'aan - 21:26-29)
Thus the angels who are the close slaves of Allaah have no command over the disposal of their own affairs, and have no share in His dominion. Similarly all of the Messengers of Allaah, who are the best of men, share absolutely nothing with Allaah; Allaah speaks of the best one of them, Muhammad sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam. "Say, 'I do not say to you, I possess the treasures of Allaah, nor do I know the unseen." (6.50) The same words were uttered by Noah to his people. Allaah also addresses His Messenger: "Say, 'I have no power to do you harm or benefit." (73.21) And Allaah the Exalted says addressing His Messenger: "Say, 'I have no power to do myself harm or benefit." (7.188)
If the Messengers of Allaah and His angels have no power to do themselves benefit or harm, nor any of them has command over the affairs, rather all of them are slaves belonging to Allaah, and are subservient to His command, the claim that the alleged Imaams have control over the atoms of the universe and assume the universal vice-regency constitutes a plain Kufr, unbelief, and shirk, or attribution of copartners to Allaah in His most exclusive attribute, the Lordship; exalted be He above what they attribute to Him. The claim that the Imaams have a special status with Allaah attained by neither a close angel nor a sent Messenger is a lie related- to those Imaams, an assertion of polytheism and apostasy.
3. The assertion that the Imaams and the Messenger were light before they were brought into existence is blasphemy, and is not substantiated by the Qur'aan, the Sunnah or the consensus of the Muslims. It is a blasphemous lie with which the polytheists from the nation of Muhammad sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam resemble their brothers of the other nation who believe Jesus to be the incarnate word of Allaah. All the Messengers are created human beings, as Allaah says: "Say, Verily, I am only a human like yourselves; it is revealed to me ... " (18.110) Thus the Messenger never was light or created out of light, but rather is like the rest of the sons of Adam except that Allaah has distinguished him with the Prophethood and the Message.
The alleged Imaams were distinguished by nothing of that nature. The assertion that they were light before they were brought into existence, and that they surrounded the throne of Allaah, is plain blasphemy and clear deviation. Had this been true, it would have been included in the Book of Allaah and in the Sunnah of His Messenger, but it is the falsehood of habitual liars and polytheists. Defying men and attributing lordship to them is tantamount to associating partners to Him, exalted is He from what they attribute to Him. He is the One Who was and nothing was with Him. He is the first, before Whom there was none; He is the Internal underneath Whom there is none, extolled be His glory. He created all by His power and greatness, and by virtue of His saying to a thing Be, it is. He created Adam from the mud of this earth, and made his posterity out of the known substance by mating the male and female. There is none of Adam's posterity who was created out of light, nor was any of them light before he was created. Similarly, he who claims that a human being has access to the unseen, has control over the disposal of the affairs, or is infallible to slips, not subject to oblivion, has knowledge equal to that of Allaah, and is quAleefied in the same way as the Lord, is an infidel who does not believe in Allaah, and a polytheist who makes out of the creatures contenders with Allaah equal to Him. Far above is He from what they ascribe to Him.
4. Attributing excellence to those who are not prophets, distinguishing them above the Messengers and Prophets, is an act of disbelief and polytheism, because Allaah has selected the Messengers and the Prophets from mankind as Allaah has selected the Messengers and the Prophets over the rest of the believers is known by necessity from the religion, and agreed upon by the Muslim nation, rejected only by the apostate who deny the Oneness of Allaah, justice and faith. Thus the assertion that Alee, may Allaah be pleased with him, was better than Prophets Ibraheem, Noah or Yunus bin Matta, is an assertion of disbelief. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam said, "It does not behave a believer to say, "I am better than Yunus bin Matta." It is not permissible for a believer to claim excellence over Yunus bin Matta, the Prophet, may peace be on him, even though Allaah refers to his behavior when he left his people in anger thinking that Allaah would not deal him severe punishment, but instead would send him to different people. Allaah says, "The fish swallowed him while he was blameworthy." (Qur'aan - 37:142) He was blameworthy for having left his people without seeking permission from Allaah. "We cast him on a bare tract of land, and he was sick." That was a lesson for him, and a dear message that Prophets and Messengers were also susceptible to admonishment and punishment were they to behave other than they were expected, yet they doubtlessly occupy the rank of superiority over all mankind, a rank which can be reached by no believing follower of the Messengers, regardless of how pious he might have been. Therefore, neither Alee bin Abi Taalib and his offsprings nor those who are superior to them, such as Abu Bakr and Umar, may Allaah be pleased with them all, have excellence over the Prophets, for the Messengers and the Prophets are the best of the believers by virtue of being chosen by Allaah and having the revelation sent down to them. Thus considering Alee or any of his offspring superior to a Prophet, Messenger or to an angel is surely blasphemy, apostasy in clear opposition to the Book of Allaah, to the Sunnah of His Messenger, and to the consensus of the Muslim Ummah.
It is known that Alee himself never made such an assertion, nor did any of his sons, the believers. Rather, he said, "I surely am one of the Muslims". Nor did he claim excellence over Abu Bakr al-Siddiq and Umar. How then could he rank himself above the Prophets and Messengers, and the close angels? No! It is just a false allegation made up by the liars to add another crime in their record of notoriety against the pious believers.
5. Al-Maqam al-Mahmood, or the exalted station, shall be occupied only by a single slave of Allaah, the Messenger of Allaah, Muhammad sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam referred to by Allaah, "Wake up in the night to pray reciting the Qur'aan as a Supererogatory act of worship for you. It may be that your Lord will raise you to an exalted station." (Qur'aan - 17:79) Al-Maqam Al-Mahmood, or the exalted station, is the privilege of the great intercession granted to the Messenger of Allaah, Muhammad sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, who occupies this station and shall be praised by all creatures on the Day of Resurrection. It is also a rank in Jannah granted only to one slave of Allaah, who is Muhammad sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam as he said: "When you hear the Mu'azzin repeat his words (i.e. the call to prayer), then pray for me, and ask Allaah to grant me access to the honorable station of excellence; it is a rank in Jannah. It must belong to one slave of Allaah, and I hope to be him." (Muslim). Hence, neither Alee nor any member of his household shall be privileged with such a station. Whoever alleges otherwise is a disbelieving liar who falsely claims access to the knowledge of the unseen, which is restricted exclusively to Allaah. Such a claim constitutes clear blasphemy.
6. The assertion that the alleged Imaams have with Allaah Subhanahu, a distinct state which cannot be encompassed by a close angel or a sent Messenger, is a fabricated assertion. Where in the Book of Allaah, or in the Sunnah of His Messenger can this be found? Or where in the statements of the truthful Imaams is this stated? Did Alee bin Abi Taalib, may Allaah be pleased with him, or any one of his pious veracious sons claim such a distinct state? Far are they from lying against Allaah the Exalt. This lie can never be made by a believer. Because such states are in the knowledge of the unseen, whoever claims this knowledge is a liar and an unbeliever. Allaah says, Say, "None in the heavens and the earth knows the unseen save Allaah." (Qur'aan - 27:65) Allaah revealed the unseen only to a Messenger or a Prophet. Whoever alleges that a revelation was received after the death of the Messenger of Allaah is 'Kafir' and 'Zindiq'. Anyone who does not believe in the finality of Prophethood and the severance of revelation is an apostate who does not believe in Allaah and His Messages.
The above considerations reflect on some statements made by Khomeini in his book 'Islaamic Government', and prove that he uttered nothing but blasphemy and falsehood, for which the scholars of the Muslim Ummah have condemned him to blasphemy and deviation.
Khomeini also said in his book 'The Islaamic Government',
"The teachings of the Imaams are like the teachings of the Qur'aan. They do not apply to one particular generation, but rather to everyone in every age and place until the Day of Judgment.''
This statement constitutes disbelief in many respects:
1. He puts the words of Allaah the Exalted and those of man on an equal basis. The words of Allaah cannot be equaled. They are contained in the Book to which falsehood cannot be added, and from which nothing can be removed. But the words of the others and their teachings are subject to alteration, slips and errors.
Allaah has willed to safeguard nothing other than the Messages His Messengers conveyed. As for others, no one is infallible. They may be right or wrong. Neither Alee nor any of his household was infallible, nor were his teachings equal to those of Allaah. For example, al-Hasan son of Alee, may Allaah be pleased with him, whom the Shiites consider as one of their Imaams, differed with his father in some issues. In fact the Shiites themselves differ with Alee bin Abi Taalib and the Imaams on many issues. Khomeini himself charges Alee with fault and belittles him for accepting arbitration between him and Mu'awiyah, may Allaah be pleased with them, and for refraining from speaking of what Khomeini and his gang call 'Mushaf or Qur'aan of Fatimah' and not bringing it to light. He also charges al-Hasan with fault for abdicating the leadership to Mu'awiyah, and many other errors. The significant point here is that those Imaams were not infallible in all of their sayings and deeds, nor were their teachings equal to those of the Qur'aan, as Khomeini claims. They were like the rest of the believers and the pious slaves of Allaah, except that which conforms with the Book of Allaah from their teachings is accepted, and that which does not is discarded, particularly works compiled by the liars published under the names of the Imaam promoting falsehood and blasphemy amongst people.
They have reviled the pious Imaams by forging against them lies such as that they acquired the knowledge of the unseen, and that nothing in the heavens or the earth is concealed & from them. They claim to admit to Jannah whoever they please, deliver from the Fire whoever they please, control the atoms of the universe, have a free hand in the disposal of affairs, die whenever they desire, and so on and so forth. The pious Imaams are far above the filth of those liars. May Allaah curse whoever attributes such lies to them.
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